Friday 26 January 2007

Mine Apollo with chicken

This recipe is for one person only. Please bear in mind one mine apollo one person :)

1 Mine Apollo
Approx 200g chicken
3 juicy tomatoes(cut into pieces)
1 medium onion(chopped in thick rings)
1 green chilli
1 tbsp garlic and ginger paste
1 spoon of oil
1 tbsp soy sauce

Prepare your chicken before you do your Mine Appollo. So we start by cutting the chicken into boneless chunks and add some salt to it. Add the crushed garlic and ginger paste to your chicken chunks and leave to marrinate for 30mins. Cut the green chilli half along the length.

Place a pan over fire and add some oil... I would recommend RAJAH OIL :P When your oil is hot (you can test by throwing a drop of water on it will make a swussssh sound), throw your chicken chunks in the pan. Leave your chicken chunks until they start to have a brownish color, optionally you can add some Yeos soy sauce to it. Add the tomatoes and allow to simmer. Add onion rings and chilli and leave for a few minutes. At this stage stop your fire. Your chicken sauce is now ready. Now prepare your mine appollo the way you want it and serve with the chicken topping.

Proudly contributed by Javed!!!

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