Wednesday 7 February 2007

Fried Mine Appollo

1 Mine Appollo, any flavour
Half cup grated carrots
Half cup grated cabbage
1 tbsp dark soy sauce
1 tbsp white wine
1 tbsp oilSalt & Pepper
1 cup cooked meat or chicken
1 egg cooked as omelette and sliced

Boil noodles as usual and drain all water. In a wok or if you don't have one then use a pan, heat the oil and add the noodles to it. Add the soy sauce and wine and stir well. Allow to try for a minute or two. Then add the carrots and cababge and allow to cook for a few mins. Add salt and pepper and meat/chicken. Lastly add sliced omelette and serve. Easy isnt it???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want to try that. It's a pity there's not been a lot of activity on your blog.